Mësoni më shumë rreth nesh.
Our Vision:
To further develop and continue to be the leader in providing products and services in the field of
renewable energy and energy sector.
Our Mission:
To work with the highest standards of business ethics and create value from which our customers
feel secure in their investments.
Our objectives
Qellimi I kompanise Elen eshte I bazar ne tri koncepte baze te caktuara si premisa nga komuniteti I biznesit ne nivel botëror.
We work every day for a cleaner environment by using natural resources for energy production ☀
Through the application of our products and services, we help our clients become their own
producers of the energy they need for their daily activities and production. ☀
By bringing products and services from the latest technology we help customers simplify many
processes at work and in their lives, to be as efficient as possible.☀